My son, Maxwell, turned 3 months old last week. When the first contractions began the day before he was born, I started to make him a cake to distract myself from early labour: the famous Milk Bar funfetti Birthday Cake, a “birthday” cake in a very literal sense. I managed to bake the actual cake before things got too intense to continue and I had to put it unfinished in the freezer to deal with at some point in the future. A little over twenty-four hours later, I had a baby in my arms. Six weeks after that I had my feet under me enough to finish assembling the cake. And now, another eight weeks later, I’m finally getting around to posting about it – because newborns and postpartum and learning to breastfeed are NO JOKE!

Newborn Max, and 3 month old Max keeping me company on the couch while I work on this post 🙂