Every Easter I see these pretty speckled robin’s egg cakes pop up all over the food internet, and I’ve been wanting to make one myself for a while. I’ve also been wanting to make a coconut layer cake, so I combined the two and here we are!
Every Easter I see these pretty speckled robin’s egg cakes pop up all over the food internet, and I’ve been wanting to make one myself for a while. I’ve also been wanting to make a coconut layer cake, so I combined the two and here we are!
Korena in the Kitchen turned 10 years old in January! It’s amazing to think that this little blog has been with me through an entire decade, chronicling my life in food. It’s fair to say much has changed in that time – three jobs, two post-secondary credentials, a boyfriend turned fiancé turned husband, home ownership, and now parenthood – but the thing that hasn’t changed is my love of making delicious things and sharing them here.
Back in August, this was the first baking recipe I managed to make from scratch, start to finish, since Max was born, and this belated post is a testament to how hard it is to get almost anything else done when you are caring for a baby! I first discovered this cherry biscuit cobbler last year and couldn’t wait to make it again with different fruit fillings. The biscuits themselves are like perfect tea time scones, light and perfectly tender, and when combined with jammy fruit and optional but highly recommended ice cream or whipped cream, the whole thing tastes like a cross between a pie and a shortcake.
My son, Maxwell, turned 3 months old last week. When the first contractions began the day before he was born, I started to make him a cake to distract myself from early labour: the famous Milk Bar funfetti Birthday Cake, a “birthday” cake in a very literal sense. I managed to bake the actual cake before things got too intense to continue and I had to put it unfinished in the freezer to deal with at some point in the future. A little over twenty-four hours later, I had a baby in my arms. Six weeks after that I had my feet under me enough to finish assembling the cake. And now, another eight weeks later, I’m finally getting around to posting about it – because newborns and postpartum and learning to breastfeed are NO JOKE!
Newborn Max, and 3 month old Max keeping me company on the couch while I work on this post 🙂
I’ve had this sourdough bread post drafted for months now, but there’s a lot going on in the world and it has felt kind of futile to post baking recipes in the midst of it all. The cookies I made or the cake I baked seem to pale in importance against the current major civil unrest due to systemic racism and police brutality. As a Canadian, it’s tempting to sit back and smugly think that the rampant anti-Black racism we see in the US is not a problem here, but as a WHITE Canadian, I have to seriously check that impulse because we have our own terrible history and ongoing legacy of institutional racism and police violence against Indigenous, Black, and people of colour in this country.
Add all this to the fact that I am a little bit distracted at the moment because – SURPRISE! – I’m currently very pregnant and expecting a baby fairly imminently, and you might understand why I haven’t posted anything in a while 😉
If the empty shelves in the baking aisle of the otherwise fairly well-stocked grocery store are anything to go by right now, there are lots of people dealing with the current global pandemic in same way I am: with lots of baking therapy. These whole wheat muffins stuffed with tart rhubarb, spiced with cinnamon, and topped with crunchy sugar are an extremely comforting thing to bake and eat, so they were the first thing I made when sh*t started to get real a few weeks ago. They are quick and easy to mix up, don’t require any special pantry ingredients, and unlike most muffins, which are best eaten the day they are baked and then decline from there, these are excellent two, three, even four days after baking, thanks to their nubbly whole grain ingredients which help keep them moist and fresh. They are also a great way to use up that bag of slightly freezer burned rhubarb from last summer that you discovered at the back of the freezer when doing a pandemic inventory of all the edible things in your kitchen.
The end of summer is my favourite, still sunny and warm with long golden afternoons but also a sniff of cooler air and the promise of sweater weather (which apparently is here now – we actually lit a fire in the fireplace last night!) and apple pie around the corner. The best part is all the glorious late season fruit – raspberries and peaches and plums (late summer is plum cake season, after all) and my very favourite: blackberries. Weekends in late August and early September, you will inevitably find me crouched on the side of the road or in the ditch foraging for blackberries, coming home with scratched forearms and purple-stained fingers and a bucket of shiny black fruit tasting of summer nostalgia.
I made this cheesecake several months ago (yes, I’m terribly behind on posting) to mark the retirement of a colleague. When I asked her what her favourite kind of cake was, she promptly answered either chocolate cake or cheesecake. I love it when people have a ready answer to that question, and also, how can you go wrong with either option?
I first got into sourdough baking back in 2011 after making my own starter as part of a Daring Bakers Challenge. I loved baking with it and maintained it faithfully for almost four years, but then my schedule started getting busier and my poor little sourdough starter eventually died from neglect in the back of my fridge 🙁 I was pretty sad about it (and kind of embarrassed too – you’ll notice that I never mentioned it here until now!), but I didn’t have the time or energy to put into cultivating or acquiring and maintaining a new starter. Recently though, I’d been wanting to get back into the sourdough game (have you SEEN all the gorgeous sourdough bread on Instagram?!), so last week when a friend offered me some of her 100 year old rye starter, I jumped at the chance. I have been nursing a little glass jar of bubbling flour and water on my kitchen counter ever since and I couldn’t be happier about it! I’ve noticed that this well-established starter is more reliable and predictable than the one I made myself, which probably never quite achieved its full strength as a starter, and I’m very excited to experiment with it.
See all those happy little bubbles?
A few years ago I bought a humble little sandwich cookie at the cafe in the building where I used to
work, and its almondy-raspberry-crumbly-shortbreadiness has been in my head ever since. I meant to finally re-create this cookie and post it in time for Valentine’s Day (hence the hearts), but, well, it’s the end of March now, so you can see how that went. But these are definitely better late than never, and like most good cookies, are much more than the seemingly simple sum of their parts: two almond shortbread cookies perfumed with lemon zest, sandwiched with tart yet sweet raspberry jam, drizzled with creamy white chocolate.
All content © Korena Vezerian and Korena in the Kitchen, 2011 – 2021. Please contact me before duplicating any content, including pictures. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Korena Vezerian and Korena in the Kitchen with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.